Selecting your First E-Liquid, (must watch for new vapers!) Kicking Butts!
In my opinion one of the most critical things to getting off the cigarettes is finding something to replace it that you enjoy and can fill that hole satisfy the urges to smoke. Stick around, I’m gonna help you with that. Hey folks welcome back to kicking butts today I wanna talk to you about finding the right e-liquid that can get you by and satisfy your urges to smoke. The act of vaping might be a bit different from smoking, your sucking on an electronic device that is much bigger and bulkier than a cigarette but once the vapor is in you the experience is the same. You get that throat hit that you’re use to with your cigs. You breathe it an and blow it out again just like a cigarette. BUT once you get over that hurdle the most important thing in my opinion is the e-liquid. Alright I know that might sound like common sense but lets analyze that a little bit. If you’re a smoker odds are you smoke the same cigarettes every single day. If you’re a dipper I’m sure you dip the same flavors all day every day. Why is that? it’s because for whatever reason the flavor of that cigarette or dip satisfies you, makes you feel good, plus I believe most of us are creatures of habit. So when it comes to vaping I believe we need to do that same thing in the beginning. We need something that makes us feel warm and fuzzy that we can turn to every time we have the urge to smoke. Let’s face it, when someone is coming off of cigarettes they’re desperately looking for any reason they can find to just go back to smoking. So if you went to the store and bought an atomizer and a bottle of juice and every time you hit it you’re like ( blow out and go meh) it’s not gonna satisfy you and keep you away from buying another pack of cigs. So to me the most important thing is to find an e-liquid that makes you go. How do we do this? When you go to your local vape shops it can be totally overwhelming to see all the juices available and you might think there’s no way your gonna find the perfect one for you. (Not true.) Here’s how to do it. First thing to think about is the kind of flavors you enjoy. The kind of flavors that make your face like this . What kinds of things are you into? Do you like candy flavors, fruity flavors, desert flavors, maybe you’re into alcohol flavors like rum or whisky . There is literally every kind of flavor you could ever imagine available in e-liquids. For me it was liquids that taste like cereal flavors like Crunch Berries and Fruit Loops but for you it might be a coffee flavor or maybe one that tastes like pink starbursts I want you to put some serious thought into this before you go to the shop to buy your first liquid. Think of that flavor that you know if you had it available you would look forward to having it. Now that you have that flavor in mind it’s time to head out to the vape shop. You’re gonna find in almost every vape shop out there you have the ability to sample the flavors Don’t be afraid to sample a whole bunch of flavors. Trust me the employees in these shops want nothing more then to get you off of the cigs so they’ll spend however much time you need and give you as many samples as you need to make sure you’re making the right decision. You might get lucky and find a flavor really quick that makes you go . Once you find the right flavor it’s time to think about nicotine strength. (now this is the part where I’m gonna get real controversial) In my opinion flavor is more important than nicotine strength. Now I’m not saying you don’t need nicotine, what I’m saying is if you really like the flavor you can get away with a lower nicotine strength like a 6 or a 3 milligram. If you’re just coming off the cigs you might wanna go with a 6 mill and you can eventually work your way down to a 3 mill. Again I think having that action that is satisfying is the most important thing because we’re not only addicted to the nicotine we’re also addicted to the act of inhaling and exhaling. So you made the decision to start vaping as an alternative to tobacco, you put some time into thinking about the type of device you wanna start with and took your time getting the right e-liquid that will satisfy you every time you get the urge Now you’re all set to start your new life. And there you have it I hope this video has helped you to understand the importance of finding the right e-liquid for you. Like I said and people may argue with me on this but I believe the choice of your first liquid is just as important as your first vaping device. Don’t skimp on this, take your time and get the right one that’s gonna make your transition from smoking to vaping. My name is John Hudson, thank you so much for watching and hey if you wanna know how it feels to save a life? Convert your loved ones from smokers to vapers…………………. you’ll know.
via YouTube
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